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Old 19th November 2010, 04:40 AM
Mahoney32 Mahoney32 is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Aug 2010

Originally Posted by antmumford View Post
After the phenomenal first episode I became little underwhelmed by the 2nd one. It just lacked a certain something. What really pissed me off and what may have contributed to my lack of enthusiasm for this episode was that the zombies ran. It's called The Walking Dead for a reason.
I couldn't believe they started to run. They could even climb and hurl themselves over a 7/8 foot metal fence.
The 1st episode was a work of art and beauty so the 2nd episode kind of cheapened it a bit for me.
Oh well, let's hope tomorrows one will rekindle my love for it all over again.

Oh and on a side not I watched it on FX HD and was it me or did the picture quality really seem to lack something on the 2nd episode?? It all looked a little 2D, flat and standard compared to the 1st episode which popped a lot more in HD and gave that lovely 3D like quality you expect from HD.
Episode one was directed by a Hollywood big-shot remember. Episode two wasn't.
Yeah, the "running" was a little bit "28 day's", and a little bit "Dawn remake" to be honest.
I enjoyed watching this episode, even though this show is trying a tad too hard, to be edgy and original. Was the random "Doggy" scene really necessary?
A fun series so far, But it is little more than your standard Zombie movie, stretched out into a TV series form. Nice to see Greg Nicotero on board. Noticed his name on the credits last week. Loved the scenes with that cool car in Ep 2 also...
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