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Old 15th January 2011, 04:33 PM
User1138 User1138 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 29

I've just noticed the argument and I see that Lurkingfear is now listed as an ex-member on the forum. I assume that this means that he is banned for defending his right to express an opinion on the subject of The New York Ripper.

Having read through some of the other pages on this thread, and being a fan of the movie, I find it very sad that one can be barred for expressing their views, especially when long term members will have seen similar insulting responses on others threads being allowed with no action taking.

If Nosferatu believes that horrior fans will watch these films for artistic merits, will he be so blind to believe that horror fans will watch a horror film minus the horror that was oringinally in it, just for the sake of seeing someone else mess with the director's true vision?

I will assume that I will be shown as an ex-member very soon.

Lurkingfear RIP
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