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Old 22nd February 2011, 04:30 AM
Lillyivimia Lillyivimia is offline
Cult Rookie
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: London, UK

Nola McKenzie made a superb villain. She was confident and had the brains and brawns to back that confidence up. I remember all too well watching her episodes when they were broadcast in my region and always being on the edge of my seat when Nola and Bea got into another confrontation. I really did worry that Bea may have bitten off more than she couild chew and that she would finally be toppled. Nola really was that oustanding as a villainj.

Another favourite of mine is Bev Baker. THe nature of her crimes elevated Bev to a higher level of fear and intimidartion without her even having to do or say anything ... but when she started playing her chilling games with the women, well, she became a very frightening force indeed. The only niggle for me with Bev is the fact that her storyline weas so protracted. She could have been so much better if she had been allowed to confront Myra in a genuine Top Dog battle. It might have been interesting to even see Bev win for a few episodes, with Myra in hospital after a savage attack or something.

Then, of course, there's Sonia Stevens. Another brilliantly realised villainess. Her cold demeanour and assured composure combined with her sharp intellect to rise her above the common herd. Her alliance with Joan against Bea made for interesting television.
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