Thread: David Bridges
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Old 22nd March 2011, 12:57 AM
Wilf Wilf is offline
Cult Rookie
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Reading, UK

My two favourite Blocky cliffhangers both involve David Bridges.

Runner up is 414, where he pretends to search the boiler room, and the camera pans upwards...

All time favourite, though, is two episodes later, where Lizzie makes a horrific discovery by the shed...

Classic moments, both.

Always thought it was a shame that Bridges appeared when there were so many good characters in the series. Now if he'd have shown up about 140-odd episodes later, he could have bumped off Jenny and Daphne instead of a barely-seen extra and a never-seen extra. I'm sure it would have improved his popularity no end!
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