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Old 30th July 2011, 02:30 PM
missclaret missclaret is offline
Cult Rookie
Join Date: Jul 2011

we were very spoilt in the early days of prisoner as there were so many iconic charactors. bea smith, judy, lizzie, but vera bennett was my favourite charactor.

i loved the fact that she was more than a one dimentional charactor, and that she was hard faced and tough on the outside, but really a torchered soul who was crippled by lonliness behind closed doors.

There were so many great moments from vera, that its hard to pick a favourite storyline. i felt she was the best actress in it too, as vera was a very complex charactor with mulipal personalities.

what a shame she left after a couple of hundred episodes, i felt there was so much more they could have done with the charactor, and would have loved to have seen how she woudl have handled the great wentworth fire, and joan ferguson!

long live vera bennett
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