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Old 10th March 2008, 11:27 AM
vipco vipco is offline
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Apparently it wasn't till after Deodato saw Hostel during his cameo in Hostel 2 and showed Roth 2 scripts that the project was taken outta the pre production stage and given the green light.
He had long talks with Roth about the current level of acceptable violence in film in the US and this encouraged him to continue with the project.

As a collector of horror film, including the cannibal genre, and a fan of these films from the pre cert days I personally don't see the point of a remake of Holocaust as I see it as a 'one of film' that couldn't be copied.
Deodato refered to it as a 'companion' to the original in a recent interview so I dont know if he has a direct remake or a sequel of sorts in mind.

I'd love to see Shamless release a fuller version of Lenzi's Cannibal Ferox or Eaten Alive on dvd as mine is a Dutch U/C print of Ferox on VHS backed up on CDR plus the VIPCO cut versions of both and dont want to buy imports on dvd as well.
Importing into N.I. dosent have a high success rate as all packages are checked at Customs.
I prefer to support the UK labels and will be fully supporting any and all Shamless release's, wether I have a version of any future releases or not.

Last edited by vipco; 9th April 2008 at 05:26 PM.
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