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Old 4th October 2011, 06:20 PM
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Rassilon Rassilon is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011

Of course films have the power to scare. And of course there are those that don't have any fear to this sort of cinema, just as some veiwers don't laugh at comedy, regardless of how funny the film is.
As for 'jumps' there weren't many times in insidious where 'jumps' were used, the window scene with the dancing boy, the loft scene, the photgraphs of the lady in black all were scary but none of them were about jumps.
However all horrors try to scare at some level because thats the point, a horror movie that doesn't scare or unseattle is a comedy that doesn't make us laugh. Pointless.
And everything from Halloween to Ratman has jumps in it. It's not a bad thing, but it has been over used in recent films.
Insidious worked personally for me because it stayed with me long after the film was over. I didn't remember jumps. I remember being unseattled by the idea, by the voice on the babymonitor and by window scene.

And lets not forget the scene were the camera slowly moves to the window, and nothing happens.

The directors said they were infulenced by Argento's colour used and by films that didn't relay on jumps. I think they nailed it.
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