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Old 19th December 2011, 08:31 PM
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Hawkmonger Hawkmonger is offline
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Originally Posted by stefanmetal View Post
Why don't you just buy them and just keep them in your room. If your parents complain just say oh well It's too late now, I'm corrupted. My mum used to always complain about my love of horror and the weird, but you get to a point where they can't really stop what you do. I have most of the Shameless collection and often I watch stuff that's way worse than what they put out. How old are you? I mean surely you can convince them that stopping you from watching something is stupid, if anything it will make you want to watch it more.
I discussed this issue with my parents this vening and even though they dislike the idea of me watching 'foreign rubbish'* they agreed to let me buy shameless titles that contain a certification if 15 or below providing I don't blow there trust. Right I'm off to buy Manhatton baby but don't tell my parents it's an 18!!!!
*my parents are utter, utter pricks.