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Old 27th January 2012, 04:47 PM
willie's ALIVE willie's ALIVE is offline
Cult Rookie
Join Date: Aug 2011

Earliest memory would be Carnival of Souls on one of those
Saturday afternoon creature double features...during the rest
of the afternoon I felt really unsettled even though it was still
light out.

Night time would be the Richard Matheson/Dan Curtis Trilogy of Terror
TV movie with Karen Black and the Zuni fetish doll.

I was about 8 or 9 an just after Karen Black's creepy close up at the end
when she's stabbing the carpet waiting for Mom...I was told to go upstairs
(by myself) take my bath, and go to bed!

I can't describe how difficult that overnight was for me, but let's just say it
was the opposite of Xmas Eve.
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