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Old 7th February 2012, 12:06 PM
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Originally Posted by stunner View Post
Well yes sex does sell but I don't put it on as many illustrations as people think, maybe one in five, and never unless I'm asked to or the film is best sold that way. Saying I put too many tits on my covers is like saying The Dude puts too many guns on his! These are the jobs we are given. Obviously if I'm given Phenonema then I'll treat it with respect but hand me Caligula and I'll slather it in hooters! Strangely though, people appear more offended by sexy paintings than sexy photos. After all it's not as though I posted Anna Falchi all perky nipped and straddling some guy in a graveyard! Compared to the Shameless cover my mock up is pure Disney!
By the way, if I get time I'll dig up the initial rough sketches I did for Bay of Blood. After all the hullabaloo over Inferno I decided they were too sexual in nature and went for the head/tentacle thing and wound up getting smacked down even harder!
Woah, just realised that it's THE Rick Melton posting. Didn't realise you posted on here too. Can I just say in a true fan/geekboy way. I absolutely adore your The Beyond artwork and can honestly say it's one of the greatest pieces of film art I have ever seen in my life, no kidding. Anyway just had to get that off my chest.
You deserve your own thread on here mate to promote more of your art. Haven't seen ay of your work on recent Arrow Video releases and I miss them dearly.

Anyway, sorry guys
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