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Old 14th March 2012, 10:06 PM
Cat Cat is offline
Cult Rookie
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Australia
Default What do you think happened to Sandy Edwards?

Happily, in Australia on pay TV Foxtel they show Prisoner every weeknight on the 111 Hits channel (best part of the day!) Last night's episode was the one where Dr Kate Peterson and Sandy Edwards (my fave top dog EVER) go out to the bins to have 'a chat' and Sandy never comes back. The assumption is that Kate killed her and dumped her body into the waste disposal truck but the other suggestion is that she took her opportunity to escape. Sandy did make a few cryptic mentions of getting out of Wentworth for good after she took care of lagger Kate in earlier episodes. I like to think she escaped but I know that is surely not the case, Sandy's character was big on revenge and I doubt she would have let Kate off the hook that easily. Frustrating that they leave it up to the viewer! What do my fellow lags reckon happened? Ps how awesome was it that she was sleeping with screw Steve Faulkner
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