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Old 16th March 2012, 04:56 AM
Cat Cat is offline
Cult Rookie
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Australia

Funny you should say about the changes in hair styles I have noticed the odd sudden hair style change or even hair growth but I never thought beyond it to think that it coincided with breaks in filming.
I was on a Who's Who in Wentworth site the other day and I was amazed to realise that Ian Smith was one of the head writers of Prisoner apart from playing a minor role onscreen. In my 80s childhood he was Harold on Neighbours and as happens when you are a kid I envisaged that the actor was the character in his real life. Now as an adult it's funny to look back and realise he was writing these quite controversial (at the time) plots for Prisoner well before he played befuddled old churchy Harold!
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