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Old 15th March 2009, 11:35 AM
gax gax is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008

Hellraiser sequels are ok.Part 2 is ok but very cheesy part 3 blows(workprint is better),the release cut of part 4 is bad but the workprint is good,part 5-Inferno meh not good not bad, 6 and 7 are not rlly hellraiser films but are good,part 6 Hellseaker is more like Jacobs Ladder a man with memory loss trying to find who killed his wife (Kristy Cotton),i also like 7-Deader,a reporter investigating a cult,then theirs part 8 Hellworld this ranks as one of the worst films i have ever seen its so unbelievably bad(and i like uwe films and like house of the dead!),Lance Henriksen must have rlly needed the cash.I can see why they haven't released them over here but they look good in your dvd collection
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