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Old 6th May 2012, 02:30 PM
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Daemonia Daemonia is offline
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As much as I love Texas Chainsaw, the acting is a bit sub-par in it if you ask me. It's very stilted, but that adds to the overall effect. It's certainly no better than what is in Last House on the Left, yet you dislike that.

I think, as has been said, you need to look at these films differently. I wonder if you truly do love horror movies to hate so many of them. You cite films that I consider to be genre milestones, yet you discard them as rubbish. Maybe try looking at a different genre to get your kicks, as horror clearly isn't for you. Now that's not a criticism and I'm not berating you, but it does seem that your love of horror is very, very narrow and as a consequence you'll never find much to enjoy.

Me? I love it all. From the truly awful to the truly great, there's very little I've actually intensely disliked and I usually can always find something in a horror film to enjoy.
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