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Old 11th September 2012, 07:49 PM
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jamie_leigh44 jamie_leigh44 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Aberdeen, Scotland

Vivian Simpson was a terrible actress.... with the most iritating voice!

but there were lots and lots of characters who were over the top... but in a good way...

Margo - with the shifty eyes and hair.... Mouse - especially on drugs... Lynne Warner - did she ever finish crying yet? ... Jean Vernon - How much can one roll ones eyes in a scene?.... Alison Page - looked and sounded like a deranged chicken... Kate Peterson - when she finally cracked... Anne griffin / Susan rice - very OTT (and very similar characters)... Randi Goodlove - could do crazy well too...

the list is endless, but that's one of the reasons i love the show... sometimes a character will annoy the hell outta me, but usually they don't last too long....

Maxine Daniels on the other hand was VERY exaggerated in a VERY bad way and around for a VERY long time.... i know a lot of people liked her... but I'm certainly not one of them.... if she hadn't said Yeah every few seconds she might have been more bearable...

oh well, i wasn't one of those who were upset by her departure...

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