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Old 20th September 2012, 08:40 AM
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Roughale Roughale is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Hamburg, Germany

Big King Fan here and also proud owner of maybe one of the rarest limited edition books, due to the majority of the 500 prints being destroyed upon King's request as it had not been licensed. It is the German Edition Phantasia edition of The Mist (called Der Nebel) and it is rumoured that less than 50 copies still exist...

I also have the licensed EP edition of It (called ES), which came out before the English open market editions, so silly me read it and "damaged" the mint condition...

Here is a picture, taken from my Facebook page, so I don't know, if all can see it, if not and there is interest, let me know...

My favorite books are:

Salem's Lot
The Stand
The Dead Zone
The Dark Half

It has been a while, since I am a slow reader and time is so scarce with all the hobbies I have...

Oh yeah, I also have the audio tapes of the first two Gunslinger volumes - both read by King himself - hilarious stuff!
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