Thread: Censorship
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Old 1st October 2012, 09:59 PM
SimonT SimonT is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008

The film "Runaway" with Tom Seleck had a peculiar edit/ommision

The line "And I want you to clear the.... room... now", which I think was originally "clear the f###ing room now", but they didn't just delete the "F" word, they moved the word "room" up so there wasn't such a big gap between the words.

Looked wierd as it produced 2 smaller gaps in the sentence which didn't synch up with his lips, and as he was starting to raise his voice it didn';t sound right that the word "room" was ten decibels higher than the rest of the preceeding sentence.

Just thought I'd mention it as it always stuck in my mind.
Best Wishes
Simon (aka Dark Angel)
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