Thread: Joyce Barry
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Old 16th November 2012, 12:55 PM
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jamie_leigh44 jamie_leigh44 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Aberdeen, Scotland

Joycie is class all the way!

fave Joyce story lines include:

- When she was Governor for a while but couldn't handle Joan and Len's constant interference
- When Suzie Driscoll stole her glasses
- When she was held in a circle of the women so they could get the Governors attention (like a rabbit caught in headlights)
- When the male stripper came in, Joyce was right in amongst it!
- When she tells Joan she defended her over Joans Sacking
... I've also seen a clip of Joyce giving Joan a Slap, which looks fun... but I'm not there yet

I haven't got to her second marriage yet, kinda dreading it! but i do love Joyce

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