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Old 19th December 2012, 10:54 AM
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jamie_leigh44 jamie_leigh44 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Aberdeen, Scotland

Good luck to ya, but i doubt that the Edna Pearson Eps will be put back into the set, you may get the extra bonus disk but i wouldn't count on that either. what we're getting here with the released volumes is just the Australian disks with different packaging and two volumes per their one. (so instead of having 40 volumes like in Oz, we'll have 20) and our released volumes completely cut the Edna Storyline which wasn't as heavily censored here even back then.

To be honest, i found the Edna storyline (i borrowed the extra disk) to be a bit of a disappointment, we weren't missing much, except quite a lot happens to Marlene (for the stupidest of reasons!)- i will get a copy for myself at some point, just for continuity, but Enda's storyline was not that gripping in my opinion.

And yes, i can imagine if they release the box set it'll be extremely expensive, but probably still cheaper than the amount I've been paying per set since it began... (a quick calculation says i've spent about £450 for 17 volumes!!!! possibly more... ) not to mention the wait between volumes! lol. it'd be cheaper, i reckon to start picking up the earlier sets now, while they're down in price a bit online.

Hope you're able to get them tho, it's great watching, and i could watch again and again!

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