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Old 28th December 2012, 05:08 PM
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Handyman Joe Handyman Joe is offline
Active Cultist
Join Date: Dec 2011

A postscript to my last post re the Universal Monsters - a word of warning, the last half hour of The Creature From the Black Lagoon was totally screwed on my disc. I thought it was my player but on checking Amazon reviews, others have experienced the same problem. I just made the 3 month return date (Santa bought it for me in October) so if you haven't watched it you probably should, to check its OK. Worrying how many ancient purchases are sitting there on my shelves, unreturnable and potentially defective!

PS - Suzgina - can't believe you enjoy the screeching of Una O'Connor?! I feared her ear shattering outbursts more than the damn monsters, what was Whale thinking.....
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