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Old 13th January 2013, 09:16 PM
filmgrabber filmgrabber is offline
Cult Rookie
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Default Advice from the experts

Howdy guys,

I run a cinematography website, I cant link directly here because I haven't made enough posts, but if you google "film grab" you'll find it easily.

These past few months I've become really interested in the visual style of a lot of Giallo (or depending on how picky you are just Italian horror) movies, it started with Argento, then I got the Gates of Hell Trilogy by Fulci, and I just got The Fifth Cord which I absolutely loved.

I would be really interested in doing a Giallo month on the site and am just looking for some of the stronger visual movies you guys could recommend.

Many thanks

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