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Old 18th February 2013, 02:39 PM
sethflc sethflc is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: MD, USA

This dream was a few months back...

I was in a high rise hotel/apartment building, really nice inside and I was partying with my friends who were in some band. There was probably 20 of us hanging out and we look out one of the windows and see a building a mile or so away quickyl engulf in flames. Then another and another. And we notice they're moving towards us pretty quickly. We decide to get out of there and see what's going on. The elevator is out of order so we head for the stairs and see the glow of flames and feel the heat rising as we look down the winding staircase. We decide we have to go down there as fast as we can or else we're dead. As we start down several men, if you could call them that, are heading up the stairs. These people are dressed in yellow suits, sort of a cross between a hazmat suit, a fireman's suit and with a sloping domed helmet. The yellow jackets had these rivets going diagonally down them that for some reason look very imposing. The helmets had a small triangle shaped window for them to see out of but it was tinted black so they were faceless to me. They were carrying a flame thrower of sorts that was just annhilating the city by burning it to the ground. Our prescnence hardly distracted them from their hellacious job and I woke up shortly after ducking one of their flame attempts at me.

From seeing the burning buildings creeping closer and closer to our building to the heat rising during our escape attempt and the imposing figures dressed in yellow with their faceless helmets... it was terrifying.
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