Thread: Erica Davidson
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Old 17th March 2013, 12:37 AM
Lucylle Lucylle is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Ontario Canada

In my opinion (the character) Erica Davidson has many layers to her.
I'm not saying my viewpoint about Erica being bi-sexual is the right way to go by all means. There was always something sad about Erica.

We know she was sent to a boarding school, she was well educated, it was revealed she was never close to her mother. She was married, divorced and had no children. She had a quick fling with a Mr. Reynolds. Erica said without her work she would not be happy. In a strange way, her children were the prisoners under her care.

No doubt Erica had strong leadership qualities. She made herself clear on different occasion that the sexual preference of a prisoner or a staff member was a private matter as long it didn't interfere with their work.

I'm saying it's not unusual for a women to marry have a child or more then later on she decides to leave her husband for a woman instead of a man. This happens when the wife realize something was missing in her life. She may had buried her true sexual feelings about herself or whatever other reason she had.

It is all speculation on my part. It's really no big deal. The actress Patsy King who played the role of Erica Davidson wanted out of the show and I may not have like it but it was her decision and I respect her for that.

I wonder how other folks would had written the character Erica Davidson out of the show to give the Erica Davidson a better send off?

Thank-you to all posters!
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