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Old 10th June 2013, 04:42 PM
Gothmogxx Gothmogxx is offline
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Originally Posted by suziginajackson View Post
With the final releases of the classic series DVD's in view, here is a list of all the Easter Eggs that are on current releases [part 3]:

Time and the Rani

Updated Regeneration Scene

On the first of the special features pages, go to 7D FX and hit left to highlight a hidden logo. Select to view an updated CGI enhanced regeneration scene featuring Colin Bakers face.


On the second page of special features, highlight the Blue Peter option, before pressing right to highlight a hidden logo. Select to view an anecdote from Kate O'Mara and other crew about the sequence with the Rani hanging in the Tetraps cave.

The Name'sh McCoy - Shylveshter McCoy

Also on the second page of the special features menu, select PDF materials and press left to highlight another hidden logo. Select this to hear a story from Sylvester about the parallel casting of him as Dr Who and Timothy Dalton as James Bond.

Remembrance Of The Daleks: Special Edition


Go to 1st Special Features menu, scroll down to 'Remembrances', click left for a logo that leads to an out-take of Sophie Aldred preparing one of her intros for the Deleted Scenes.

The Greatest Show in the Galaxy

Altered continuity anouncement

Go to Deleted/Extended Scenes and press right to highlight a hidden logo. Selecting this plays a combination of continuity announcements and the Psychic Circus song.

Ghost Light

Musical Interlude

On the main menu move down to Episode Selection and press the left arrow to reveal a hidden Doctor Who logo. Press select and you'll get the unexpurgated version of the song that Gwendoline is heard playing in the story.

Continuity Announcements

On the Special Features menu move down to Writer's Question Time and press the left arrow to reveal a hidden Doctor Who logo. Press select and you'll get the continuity announcements from the original BBC broadcast. Also included with the continuity annoucements is the original version of Part One's end credits, which mistakenly spelt Katharine Schlesinger's name as Katherine.

The Curse of Fenric

Continuity Announcements

On disc 1, navigate down to the special features option on the first menu and press select. Move down to the Claws and Effect option and hit left to highlight a hidden Doctor Who logo. Hit select to view BBC1 continuity announcements made before the original broadcast of all four episodes.

Re-scoring Fenric

On disc 2, navigate down to Recutting the Runes and hit left to highlight a hidden Doctor Who logo. Hit select for Mark Ayres talking about the re-scoring of the special edition of The Curse of Fenric.

Music Options

When you play Part Two using the Music-only option, you can hear the opening and closing theme tune sans sound effects. When you play Part Three using the Music-only option, you can hear the sound effects sans the opening and closing theme tune.

Spot the Haemovores

When Watching on Disc 1 using the 'Play All' option and Info Text turned on, in between episodes 2 & 3, You get a 'Spot the Haemovores' challenge

More than 30 Years in the TARDIS

Richard Martin's Memories of Verity

Go to the photo gallery and press left to highlight the Doctor Who logo on the right of the screen. Select this to play a short sequence where director Richard Martin shares his memories of producer Verity Lambert.

The Movie

Jon Pertwee Dedication

Hit left on the "Play Movie" option and the logo on the main menu page becomes illuminated. Hit select and you get a dedication caption to Jon Pertwee who died shortly before the UK TV premier of the 8th Doctor TV movie.

Note: This easter egg is not included in the Special Edition version in Revisitations 1.

The Movie: Special Edition

Philip Segal Interview

Go to 'Who Peter 1989-2009' in the Special Features menu and press left to highlight a hidden Doctor Who logo. Select this to play the Philip Segal interview from the original release of the story, that has now been superseded by new extras.

Matthew Jacobs' Earliest Memory of Doctor Who

Go to the Production Menu, highlight 'Alternate Takes' and press right to highlight a hidden Doctor Who logo. Select this to play Matthew Jacobs memories of visiting the studio of the William Hartnell story 'The Gunfighters', in which his father acted.

The New Series DVD's

The Complete First Series

Rare launch trail

On Disc 4 go to Set Up and then press down, highlighting a hexagon. Press OK to see the rarest cut of the launch trail.

The Complete Third Series

The Blink Easter Egg

On Disc 4 go to Scene Selection and navigate through to the second page of Blink scenes. Go to “9. Keep Looking” and press up to highlight the word “Blink”. Press OK to see The Doctor’s complete message to Sally.

The Infinite Quest

David Tennant’s pirate voice

On the Main Menu go to Extras and press up to highlight part of the TARDIS console. Press OK/Select to watch Tennant recording his silly pirate voice

Happy hunting!
WOW! Great work Suzie!
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