Thread: Clive Barker
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Old 13th June 2013, 12:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Bringer Of Funerals View Post
I know he is more of a book writer cut he has made a foray into directing with films like Hellraiser, Lord Of Illusions, Nightbreed and produced Dread, Book Of Blood etc.

So do you wish he would direct more films or do you think he should stick to writing?
We can wish as much as we want, it is pretty unlikely that he will ever direct a film again, for several reasons as he often stated himself:

- he has barely time to finish all the stuff he is writing or painting at the same tiem

- he will hardly find the right producer who gives him enough cash and full artistic freedom

- he has had too many fights with big bosses in the film industry (which is related to the second reason)

I had the luck to meet Clive after the German premiere of Hellraiser in Berlin, we had a nice 30 minute chat and I could feel his anger about the censored scenes the German version had and I can only imagine how furious he was after Nightbreed had been butchered by the studio - still, he tried one more time and managed a quite decent film with Lords of Illusion, but he kinda stated after that, that he does not see a way to fairly transfer his words into film...
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