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Old 16th November 2013, 09:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Zann View Post
The dilemma I have is whether to buy DVD Nasties when a BD could be round the corner as there are still a number I don't own.
Therein lies the problem. If we just talk about the 74 more well known ones for a minute. Of these they are all available except for Delirium, Hu Ex, I Miss you, Night Maker and Were wolf Yeti. Terror Eyes aka Night School is only available as a MGM DVD-r burn on demand disc. Therefore the list is pretty much achievable especially as Hu Ex and Night Maker are meant to be coming out soon. (Scorpion and Code Red)
I've said previously that 2 Nasties are available uncut only on Blu Ray, Expose and Pranks, but both are Blu/dvd combo's.
For all 74 films to be released on Blu we might be waiting a long time. I'm a sad bastard in that although I have all 81 DVD's I still religiously buy every Nasty that comes out on Blu Ray.
I don't think (But hope and pray otherwise!) that all of them will ever be out all on one format and that there will always be a mixture of the two.
If I was starting to collect now I, personally, would go for DVD as the more obscure titles are already getting hard to find and seemingly rocketing in price and you can have a more or less complete collection, albeit with a couple of DVD-r's!
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