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Old 17th December 2013, 05:18 PM
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Boo Radley Boo Radley is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Oxford

Okay, I feel the need to let you all know how I feel about these sort of films as I started the thread and don't really want you all to think I'm some rabid masturbatory voyeur that gets my kicks from watching the worst films I can find....
But that is partly true!!
I started collecting videos back in '86 and always had a love for horror. I was overwhelmingly drawn to the Video Nasties and their ilk. I wanted to see everything. Snuff became almost an obsession and a friend and I went on a 12 year hunt to find a true snuff movie. That's a whole 'nuther story, there! My attitude was one of a young headstrong boy in that, "How dare any one tell me what I can or can't watch." like most young guys. I would go to video shops and buy whatever I could but it was the film fairs, like at Watford in the early '90's where it all opened up for me.
Guys would come up to me and say, "Whoah!! Have you seen Nekromantik/ Beautiful Girl Hunter/ Bunman/ 10 Monologues (Add your own extreme '90's title here), it is the most evil/depraved/banned film EVER!"
For me it's almost like a challenge. Bells goes off in my head. The Most Evil Film has to be mine! My stomach would flip over and a feeling of almost awe would sweep over me. Wow! The most evil film ever and I got a copy of it.
Sitting at home, with the curtains drawn, on it would go. Remember this was the same time that the Daily Mail and all were howling to ban the sadist videos. People were going to jail for owning a copy of Nightmares in a Damaged Brain, they would shit themselves blind if they saw this!!
It was a feeling of owning the forbidden. Collectors of many things know this drug. It is a wondrous feeling that I lack the vocabulary to describe adequately but if you've ever felt it, you'll never forget it. And it's addictive!
But then you get older and wiser and your tastes mellow somewhat. But every now and then something will pop up, like this, and my pulse races again.

All the films I mentioned at the beginning I own (Plus many more!) but all of them I have only watched once each. They are not something I generally go back to for another innings. They are such vile, disgusting, over the top pieces of filth that even I sit there and think how the did anyone want to make this in the first place. But I MUST OWN IT!!

The only film I've watched that actually disturbed me for a few days after viewing it was A Serbian Film. I have shit far worse than that but perhaps because I have a young son or maybe I'm just getting sensitive in my old age, but it is another one I have never gone back to.
So, in conclusion, I guess I'm trying to say is, "Yeah, I'm sick but I'm not too bad.....really!"
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