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Old 1st January 2014, 06:33 PM
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PaulD PaulD is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Newcastle, UK

Well, after a ridiculously stressful few days both entries were uploaded in time. The idea was that I'd edit one entry and the camera operator would do the other. I was fine with that even though he'd been a bit flaky of late due to personal reasons and I'd said on numerous occasions that if he'd wanted to leave it I'd be more than happy to do it. Anyway, my edit was largely done, save for making the titles look nice, grading the first half of the film and fixing the audio when on Christmas Eve I received a message from the editor saying he was having 'laptop problems' and wouldn't be able to do the edit (yeah right). So basically, Who's There was uploaded largely as it was and I spent about 3 days editing Santa's Slay from scratch, meaning both didn't turn out quite how I'd like (and when I say editing, I mean editing, colour grading, audio-mixing, and foley, the last part being so frustrating as it takes so long to get right, is really wonderful when it works well yet something no-one ever notices or credits.). The joys of no-budget filmmaking. Anyway....enjoy!

(big thanks to Rik and Slippery Jack for their help and involvement!)
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