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Old 3rd January 2014, 12:26 PM
Robbmeister X Robbmeister X is offline
Cult Rookie
Join Date: Nov 2013

Starship Troopers? Why? That film has in no way dated, and isn't even that old, relatively speaking. There's absolutely nothing anyone can add to that film, and if they're thinking of a new franchise, the original sequels as I remember weren't good. On the upside, the new version of Robocop looks as if it might be pretty decent, though still pointless, naturally, as was Total Recall, which was notable mainly for the gorgeous Kate Beckinsale, who shall someday be my wife.

About the only remake I've seen in the last five years that's been totally justified was Maniac, which is actually far superior and bloodier than something which was originally not that good a film.
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