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Old 21st January 2014, 06:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Maxsimmus View Post
Not a film I know but I am pretty sure mine was an episode of the Hammer House of Horror Tv series , The Two Faces of Evil. As for a film I reckon it would be The Haunting (the 1963 version of course,not the train wreck of a remake).
That's exactly the episode of Hammer House that used to freak me out, it had a creepy atmosphere and doppelganger's n stuff so u didn't know who to trust. Great stuff, love that series.
Halloween is the first film i remember really getting to me, it was the scenes when he's stalking her, lurking behind bushes and behind washing on the line outside.
Then the final scene where he's been shot but disappear's, then we get loads of shots of places where he could be lurking. Remember thinking what if he's about here.
I think it's the fact that it was set in a modern world and i was used to black and white films with castles n all that.

The kid at the window in Salem's lot creeped me out when i first saw it and the final grave shot in Carrie had a big impact as a kid.

Ahh the good old days.
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