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Old 21st October 2009, 08:24 AM
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Gojirosan Gojirosan is offline
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Default The Female Vampire: the myriad and brain churning versions thereof...

I used to have a timecoded, pre-release, review copy of this from Redemption from back in my film reviewing days, now long lost. I have recently had an inkling to see this again. But I can't really make head or tail of the current and recent releases of it!

Who has what version and what do you recommend? There's a Spanish DVD on eBay but I have no idea what cut it is, there's the UK version - still BBFC mutilated I believe, there was that German release with all the shoddy and grainy hardcore idea what has been releeased in the US...ARGH!

Help! I wish I'd just held onto that old VHS!
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