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Old 30th June 2015, 02:49 PM
vipco vipco is offline
Cult Acolyte
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Belfast

The PS4 and Xbox One might be a draw in my eyes but the PS4 loses big time when it comes to the quality of the controller.
Four DS4 pads i've went through since release. Two black , (the original one plus replacement ), a white one and its replacement red DS4 .
My black replacement DS4's R2 trigger stuck last night mid game. I got it working again with a dry clean using a can of air and a static cloth but its still not as springy as the L2 trigger, but playable for now.
Outta caution I picked up a blue one today at GAME as apparently the replacement pads are only covered with the reciet of the original and that was outta warranty ,so I hope it lasts abit longer than the others.
Pretty disappointed with the DS4. A great design but terrible build quality .
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