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Old 1st September 2015, 02:12 AM
Metallicbomb Metallicbomb is offline
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Birmingham
Default Video Nasties in 2015

Do you think that most horor films released today would of been listed as a video nasty back in the day? Having watched most of the video nasties, none have the realism of today's films so if today's films (Saw, Hostel, Hatchet) would of been released back then they surely would of been on the list, but thinking about how gruesome most horror films are today, how many would of escaped the censors. I think alot of the films back then were on this list because of poster art and/or title over the actually film, a great example being The Driller Killer a film with very little gore in but had a very iconic poster. It amazes me why films like City of the Living Dead and House by the Cemetery were on the list but The Beyond wasn't.
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