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Old 25th January 2016, 08:51 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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Default What TV Have You Seen?


The enterprise is sent to investigate when contact is lost with a scientific outpost that is monitoring the collapse of a planet. Everyone on the outpost is found dead, stupidly a crew man that was sent to investigate along with Spock removes his glove of his protection suit and is infected and it's not long before the rest of the crew are infected and begin to lose control and behave as if drunk. Kyle takes control of the engine room and ends up turning off the warp engines Sulu chase crew members around the ship with his huge chopper out, Spock becomes unable to handle his emotions. Kirk loses control as well as other crew members leaving posts and not doing there jobs. If that's not enough that enterprise gets caught in the planets gravity well and his slowly falling to its doom. As Kyle has locked himself in engineering Scotty has to find a way to get into engineering to regain control of the ships engines to escape the planet before its destroyed. 7.8/10

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