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Old 6th June 2016, 03:58 PM
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JamesN JamesN is offline
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: NC

Been in love with this one ever since I was about 16, when my friends and I were having a sleepover and we sent one of the gang out to the video store to pick up THE EVIL DEAD. He wasn't a horror movie guy, the kind of fellow who probably wouldn't have known the difference between Michael Myers and Leatherface . . . we ragged on him mercilessly when he came back with NIGHT OF THE DEMONS instead of what we wanted.

What the hell. We paid for it. So we popped it in the ole' VCR . . .

. . . and we loved it. Nearly thirty years later, any time my friends and I get together, we're still quoting it to one another at every opportunity ("Stop looking at me!"), and we all own it on Bluray.

One of the 80s' best trashy horror flicks. So much fun!
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