Thread: Obscure shows
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Old 19th June 2017, 03:08 AM
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wonderlust wonderlust is offline
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Location: Chicago, Illinois

For me there is Nowhere Man, something or somebody erased Thomas Veils whole identity because of a photograph he took...and THEY want it. He's gone, he doesn't exist. All traces of his life gone and his family like goes along with it. So he just travels the country and tries to find out why and who did this. Along this travels he becomes involved in side stories, weird ones and in the end they always have something to do with his erased life. I loved this ****ing show. Only one season was made.

Then there's Profit. Jim Profit was raised in a cardboard box with a hole cut in the side with a constant TV playing. He kills his father when he becomes a teenager by chaining him to the bed and setting fire. He HATES television. He gets involved in business and he does everything he can to get in with this family who he thinks are ideal. He's clever and very dark....but when he goes home at night and its time to sleep, he crawls into a box. : )

I am not good at explaining but I hope you caught my drift. I have another but I'll let others post.
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