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Old 7th February 2019, 07:17 PM
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Horror Comedy which lacked both horror and comedy this is a pretty insultingly lame effort let me give some examples of so called jokes here.

A chainsaw which needs to be plugged in hilarious

When running from the killers he is screaming for a cellphone and he turns the corner a guy is dressed as a cellphone.

And then bla bla bla bla bla

The first 60 minutes is a room full of people talking in a circle about nothing the final 20 plus has some shooting chainsaw axe murder and face melting . I liked the effects but the build up was way to painful for a mediocre pay off.

3/10 purely cause the effects were decent and that's it. I can't recommend this one low budget yes but it's just too dragged out and boring there was potential with the effected they pulled off but in the end it was wasted.
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