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Old 23rd March 2019, 10:29 AM
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Dave Boy Dave Boy is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: U.K


The serial starts off with Superman's origins. The arguments between Jor-El and the Krypton council and him sending his son to Earth before Krypton explodes.
Taken in by the Kent family and then moving off to Metropolis to work for The Daily Planet newspaper under the guise of Clark Kent.
Now Superman must try and stop the Spider Lady and her quest for the Reducer Ray, a destructive device. The Spider Lady has also come across some Kryptonite which she uses to make Superman helpless..

Enjoyable cliffhanger serial.
Clark is constantly butting heads with Lois Lane in the quest for a news story, and I lost count how many times Jimmy Olson got knocked out.
The Superman flying sequences are animated and do look rather cartoonish and out of place. If REPUBLIC had done this serial they would have used the flying dummy effects which looked great in the Captain Marvel and King Of The Rocketmen serials.
Clark uses store rooms, alleyways, rocks and bushes to change in to Superman and there is always a lot of fisticuffs with the Spider Lady's goons.

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