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Old 23rd June 2019, 06:04 AM
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Susan Foreman Susan Foreman is offline
Cult Master
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Childhood home of Billy Idol - Orpington

Doctor Who over the years: Episode quotes
The Five Doctors
Crichton: Well, to civilian life.
The Brigadier: You know, I can't tell you how much I was looking forward to this reunion. A chance of re-meeting old friends.
Crichton: There was one chap we tried to get hold of. What was his name? Used to be your scientific advisor.
The Brigadier: Oh, the Doctor.
Crichton: Yes that's right.
The Brigadier: Wonderful chap. All of them.
Crichton: Them? (The intercom beeps.) Yes?
Sergeant [OC]: Excuse me, sir, sorry to interrupt. Someone's arrived.
Crichton: I'm not expecting anyone.
Sergeant: Insists on seeing Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart.
Crichton [OC]: How did he know he was here?
(A figure in a big fur coat heads for the door.)
Sergeant: I'm sorry, sir, you're not allowed in there.
Doctor 2: Not allowed? Me? I'm allowed everywhere. (The Sergeant grabs at the Doctor's coat. The Doctor does a neat turn resulting in him taking the coat off.) Oh, thank you. Brigadier.
The Brigadier: Good heavens. Is it you?
Doctor 2: Yes, yes. For once, I was able to steer the Tardis. And here I am.
Crichton: It's all right, Sergeant.
Sergeant: Very good, sir.
(The Sergeant hangs up the Doctor's coat and leaves.)
Doctor 2: I'm not too late, am I?
The Brigadier: What for?
Doctor 2: For your speech as guest of honour.
The Brigadier: How did you know?
Doctor 2: I saw it in the Times.
Crichton: That's impossible. The reporter's still here.
Doctor 2: Tomorrow's Times. And, er, and who is this?
The Brigadier: That's Colonel Crichton, my replacement.
Doctor 2: Ah. Yes, mine was pretty unpromising, too.
The Brigadier: Come along, Doctor, we'll take a stroll round the ground, shall we? Awfully sorry about this. Do excuse me for a moment.
Doctor 2: You've had this place redecorated, haven't you? Hmm. Don't like it.
(The Brigadier collects their coats and goes to the French windows.)
The Brigadier: Come along, Doctor.
Doctor 2: After you.
The Brigadier: What?
Doctor 2: After you.
The Brigadier: Oh, very well.
(Outside, the Brigadier helps the Doctor on with his coat. The Sergeant enters.)
Sergeant: Everything all right, sir?
Crichton: What the blazes is going on? Who was that strange little man?
Sergeant: The Doctor.
Crichton: Who?


Doctor 3: Now what?
(He hears a scream as Sarah falls off the edge of the road in the mist and rolls down the slope.)
Sarah-Jane: Oh. Oh, K9, why didn't I listen to you?
Doctor 3: Hang on a minute. (The Doctor gets out a coil of rope and ties one end to Bessie's front chassis.) Catch hold of this.
(He throws the other end down to Sarah then loops it round a convenient boulder while she ties it around her waist. Then he reverses Bessie slowly, pulling Sarah up the slope.)
Sarah-Jane: Oh, I never thought I'd be so pleased to see anyone.
Doctor 3: I think we should come away from the ledge, don't you?
Sarah-Jane: Wait a moment. It's you.
Doctor 3: Of course it's me. Hello, Sarah Jane.
Sarah-Jane: No, no, it's you you.
Doctor 3: That's right.
Sarah-Jane: No. No, you changed remember? You became all, er
Doctor 3: Teeth and curls?
Sarah-Jane: Yes.
Doctor 3: Yes, well, maybe I did, but I haven't yet.
Sarah-Jane: Oh, I see. No, I don't. Never mind. Yes, well, thank you very much for rescuing me, Doctor, and now perhaps you'll explain why I'm here to need rescuing.
Doctor 3: Steady on, Sarah Jane. I'm not exactly here by choice either, you know.
Sarah-Jane: Then, what are we doing here?
Doctor 3: Well, I'll try and explain. Come on, get in the car.


Tegan: He's only just about conscious.
Turlough: If only he'd managed to send that signal.
(The First Doctor and Susan walk in. Susan closes the doors.)
Tegan: Who are you?
Doctor 1: More to the point, what are you young people doing inside my Tardis?
Tegan: It's his Tardis.
Doctor 1: And who might he be?
Turlough: The Doctor.
Doctor 1: Hmm? Good grief.
(The Fifth Doctor opens his eyes.)
Doctor 5: You're here. You're here.
Doctor 1: Yes, evidently. Now, take it steadily, my boy, and let me help you up.
Doctor 5: I tried to send a recall signal.
Doctor 1: Yes, it doesn't matter. How do you come to be here?
Doctor 5: Well, the Tardis was, er. I don't know.
Doctor 1: Never mind that.
Susan: Is he really
Doctor 1: Me? Yes. Yes, I'm afraid so. Regeneration?
Doctor 5: Fourth.
Doctor 1: Goodness me! So, there are five of me now! Oh, er, this is Susan.
Doctor 5: Yes, I know.
Doctor 1: And, er, you two are
Turlough: Turlough.
Tegan: And I'm Tegan Jovanka. Who might you be?
Doctor 1: I might be any number of things, young lady. As it happens, I am the Doctor. The original, you might say.
Tegan: But you shouldn't be here at the same time, with him, should you?
Doctor 1: Certainly not.
Doctor 5: It only happens in the gravest emergencies.
Doctor 1: Like now.
Doctor 5: Yes, unfortunately.
Doctor 1: Now look, young lady. Make yourself useful. This young fellow looks as though he needs some refreshment and I know that Susan and I do, too.
Tegan: Hang on a minute.
Doctor 5: Tegan, Tegan, Tegan. Humour him. You know, I sometimes used to get a little tetchy. Fortunately one mellows with age. Turlough will help.
Turlough: Thank you.
People try to put us down
Just because we get around

Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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