Thread: Cinema Memories
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Old 6th August 2019, 08:00 AM
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Dave Boy Dave Boy is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: U.K

I remember walking past Kingston cinema with my parents and KELLY'S HEROES (1970) was showing. I still remember looking at the poster with my dad.
Also, down at the coast somewhere we walked past a cinema and ZOMBIES DAWN OF THE DEAD (1978) was showing. I remember stopping and looking at the poster and stills outside. There must have been a tv spot on the television because I knew what it was.

kelly-s-heroes-uk-quad-1970--13066-p.jpg zombies-dawn-of-the-dead.jpg

My brother being older than me got to see some X cert movies.
He saw ALIEN (1979). The film broke down just as Ripley blew the Nostromo up. Everyone thought it was the end of the film because it stopped in just the right place. Then the film started again and people came back in!
He saw THE EXORCIST (1973). It scared him afterward. He kept thinking he could see the possessed face and hear the voice in the bedroom.
He also saw DAMIEN OMEN II (1978), ENTER THE DRAGON (1973) and SCANNERS (1981). I remember the awesome SCANNERS poster lit up at the cinema.
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