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Old 12th January 2020, 07:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
Star Wars (1977)

I recently bought the 2006 dvd's of the original Star Wars trilogy so i could own copies of the films as they were originally shown theatrically - totally devoid of 'cleaning up', 'tweaking' and any additional scenes that Lucas Film have added in later years.

What an absolute joy Star Wars was.

Gone completely was the gloss and computer generated effects and what i watched was a fairly gritty (Picture quality wise) western in space.

It's difficult to put my feelings into words. The film felt so much more realistic in comparison to the special edition version which now comes across as a cartoon style comic book film akin to the MCU. This isn't Disney Star Wars this was the Star Wars of the maverick seventies, the film that changed the movie going landscape forever.

This version of Star Wars was akin to the very best spaghetti western rather than a polished studio production. It felt like a product of the seventies, which it of course was, the decade that film making really began again outside of the safety net of the Hollywood studios. The decade of The Godfather, Taxi Driver, The Exorcist, The Last Picture Show, Apocalypse Now and Chinatown.

In short it was f*cking awesome and a proper unpolished reminder why Star Wars is thought of by many as one of the greatest films of all time. It's perfect imperfection.

I'll never watch the special editions again. Ever!
Any idea where this can be found i own it on vhs but what good is that i cant watch it
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