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Old 4th February 2020, 02:28 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is online now
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland


The world has tilted off its axis after years of polar fracking throwing the world all out of whack. Daylight switches to darkness whenever it feels like it the sky has a strange glow and animals are acting strange this won't end well. In a small sleepy town of Centerville the dead start rising from the grave and it's up to the small sheriff's department to protect the locals.

Im a big fan of Jim Jarmusch and his style of directing as everyone knows here i adore Dead Man. If you are aware of Jims films then you know what to expect the comedy is deadpan as is the delivery of any of the other dialogue and every actor here does an amazing job with their delivery. This style is not for everyone it has a Twin Peaks vibe but i can see how some may find it long winded and boring even wandering aimlessly.

When it comes to the look and makeup for the zombies they look brilliant and when they are killed instead of blood and guts we get black dust flying out of them it was something fresh really liked how it was done and it was something different. Iggy Pop is bloody hilarious are a zombie he only says coffee but just looking at him had me laughing hard

Coffee leads me on nicely to something else i really liked just like George A Romero's films the undead are attracted you what they knew before they died creatures of habits hearing the zombies call out their favourite things worked to great comedy effect. "Candy Candy" " Power Tools Power Tools" "Coffee Coffee"

Overall very entertaining and very funny but not for everyone so approach with caution.

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