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Old 14th May 2020, 08:40 AM
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Join Date: May 2015
Location: QLD, Australia

Noah and Saskia. Currently rewatching (for the first time in like 15 or 16 years) this mid 2000s Aussie kids/teen show about a British teenage boy and an Australian teenage girl who become best friends via the internet, despite neither being entirely honest about who they are. It's still pretty entertaining, and there are some recognisable faces in it from then-current Neighbours, primarily Lara Sacher (Serena Bishop) in a small but recurring role as one of Saskia's schoolfriends, Marcella Russo (Liljana Bishop) as a teacher, and that "Shazza" girl that Stingray briefly dated is Saskia's best friend. Y'know, I have no idea how or why I even watched this in the first place. I mean, I know why I watched Wicked Science - and so do you - but this one baffles me. Maybe I was just flicking channels, spotted someone from Neighbours and wanted to know what the hell it was? Possibly. But, while I don't like it as much as Wicked Science, it's watchable and amusing enough with an interesting central gimmick/premise and likeable characters.
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