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Old 20th May 2020, 10:21 PM
nicholasrope nicholasrope is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Dec 2012
Default The Boys (Season 1)

The Boys (Season 1)

Bought this because Cobra Kai had sold out, but I liked the sound of it and I liked Karl Urban in Dredd and Antony Starr was great in Banshee. I admit that I'm a little fed up of Superhero films/movies but I liked the concept of the heroes being corrupt and abuse their position and a group of renegades trying to bring them down.

A main weakness I have is that when I start a series, I have to finish it before I watch anything else so whilst I enjoyed the series (8 episodes under 8 hours total) and the earlier episodes were bloody and has it's comedic moments, the fact I binged watched may have clouded my judgment over the last 2 episodes as I felt they were slower and nothing climatic really happened (I know there are further seasons) I will re-watch for a better judgment.

Last edited by nicholasrope; 20th May 2020 at 11:00 PM.
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