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Old 29th May 2020, 09:35 PM
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iank iank is offline
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Join Date: May 2015
Location: QLD, Australia

More Neighbours 2004...

We're back to a refrain of "poor Lana" this week, who just cannot seem to win. Lana tries to be a good friend and pushes Sky into making up with Boyd, only to be clearly less than thrilled when she does, and looks as though she might throw up when she spies them making out in Sky's car. Actually, I had a similar reaction, which is weird, cause I've enjoyed them together for most of this season, but now it just feels icky. Boyd's later suggestion of a double date has to go down in the List of Bad Ideas. He seems oblivious to how obviously uncomfortable Sky is throughout, but Lana's date is less blind, and takes a few hours to drop Lana cold, because she can see how much she's in love with Sky. Lana tries to deny it, of course, but to no avail, with the girl noting that when Boyd put his arm around Sky, "you looked like you wanted to punch him." However she warns her that Sky will break her heart.

And then Sky goes and does just that. Having seemed to be on the verge of self-realisation, she plunges right back into denial and decides her recent jealousy was just insecurity over their friendship. She seems happy with this self-justification, but then for some truly WTF bizarre reason decides to go and tell Lana all about it, a conversation that starts with her admitting to being jealous and then even calling Lana her fricking soulmate before ending with the "but not like that!" refrain. You can see Lana's eyes light up with hope at the start of this one-sided ramble, only to then get utterly crushed. This ramble ends with Sky looking thoroughly cheerful at being back in Denial, while Lana looks like she wouldn't mind chucking herself in Lassiters Lake. WTF Sky.

Poor Lana. Bridget Neval continues to do fragility, vulnerability and quiet suffering so well that she can break your heart just with a single look.
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