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Old 3rd June 2020, 10:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Inspector Abberline View Post
Butcher Baker Nightmare Maker.

Starts of with an omenesque deadly accident,when a couple leave there son Billy with auntie,and go off on holiday.Unfortuneately some one forgot to check there brakes on the car,and no sooner are they off,than they have crashed into a truck carrying telegraph poles and the driver is beheaded,( in a rather Final Destination type way).
Fourteen years later Billy is on the basketball team,and looking to get a scholarship so he can leave home..And more to the point get away from his auntie,who is slightly. nucking futs... After murdering the television repair man, because he rejected her sexual advances (apparently he is the boyfriend of Billy's basketball coach) and gets stabbed in the neck for his troubles.. Where as A Nightmare On Elm Street part 2 sort of skirted around it's gay subtext (gym teacher into S & M) Nightmare Maker just comes right out with it in the form of Bo Stevenson as a homophobic detective,who basically accuses everyone of being gay,it seems easier to do that,than to actually find any evidence... Nightmare Maker has Susan Tyrrell as a possessive religious nutter who occasionally kills anyone who gets in the way of her obsession over her nephew Billy... Susan Tyrrell is superb as the nutty aunt,who has a rather unhealthy fixation on Jimmy McNichol as Billy...I thought this was a fun if bonkers Psycho drama that had a great slasher movie ending...
Keep meaning to pick this one up im gonna pick up the Spanish release when i have the funds. Is that the Code Red one ?
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