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Old 24th October 2020, 11:34 PM
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iank iank is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: May 2015
Location: QLD, Australia

Wicked Science: Air Dog. Still intent on exposing Toby and Elizabeth, Jack steals Toby's anti-grav device and fits it to a dog that Toby's supposed to be looking after for the Principal... This one's okay, with a few amusing moments, though falls a bit flat simply due to there being far too little Elizabeth for my taste. It's interesting that Jack has now gone from simply wanting to exploit Toby and Elizabeth's genius to actually wanting to learn how they did it so he can become one himself, but Toby continues to insist on making life difficult for himself by actually lying to Elizabeth that everything's fine in the middle of a crisis. I mean, It's not like she could (and would) help or anything...
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