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Old 5th January 2021, 02:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Nosferatu@Cult Labs View Post
I've only seen the first Karate Kid film. With the high number of references to Part II and Part III, I probably should have watched those before Cobra Kai!

I finished watching the third season earlier this evening. Like the previous two, it's very easy to watch, though a bit soap opera-ish at times, with characters who are just about two-dimensional and fairly simplistic storylines. This is probably very faithful to the three films from the 1980s and not meant as a criticism.

Just a few minor gripes,
Yes I found a couple of bits wish washy , one or two characters come across really wimpish and look like they couldn’t fight themselves out of a wet paper bag, a tadge unrealistic about Miguel being back on his feet when he got told he might be crippled for life or not walk again, would have been better if most the story went the way it did and the hospital helped Miguel with the physio therapy side and last episode he got back on feet,
The bit that bugs me in any series or films is the constant make up, fall out, make up, fall out side of it gets a tadge predictable and boring, apart from the predictable ending I would have thought it played out where when Johnny was getting beat up by crease his son Robby started on kreese and said leave my dad alone and Johnny and Robby made up. Otherwise a very good series.
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