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Old 22nd February 2021, 09:16 PM
nicholasrope nicholasrope is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Dec 2012

Originally Posted by Nordicdusk View Post
Attachment 231442

After transportation of a biological weapon is ambushed by a terrorist group the casing is broken in the pursuit and the carrier is infected. He hides out in a nearby hotel and starts to infect its guests. The military track him down and massacre everyone in the hotel to stop the spread but then they come up with the bright idea to burn the corpse and the virus becomes airborne.

Zombie 3 is an absolute blast its so hilarious and pretty nonstop madness. The dubbing is blood hilarious my favourite line is definitely

"I cant remember her name but i remember her tits"

This film always puts me in the best mood there is so much fog in this film and that one scene where a guy appears from a shed with a smoke machine before disappearing before anyone notices Then one of the soldiers does this crazy random forward flip over a table for absolutely no reason. Blood guts bursting boils puss gore whats not to love there isn't a dull moment from start to finish. Special mention to the amazing soundtrack i have to get a copy of it.

Now did Vipco and/or 88 Films release this as Zombie Flesh Eaters 2?
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