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Old 14th April 2021, 09:44 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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A classic that's not as disturbing as when i first watched it as a kid, was terrified to go to sleep for weeks. It's still highly enjoyable and unnerving that the one place you think you would be safe and have control you don't. As good as it is it's not my favourite that's number 3.

This was a lot more interesting and less eye rolling and bonkers than ancient aliens. For the most part no outlandish ideas and deals more with the government cover how and that only a select few know the true story and even too politicians are told and tells us that we are being conditioned by media that aliens are dangerous and will attack It does make you think, but not convinced by the argument that they are more advanced they will be peaceful , look at us the more advanced we gotten the more dangerous we have become. I did find the main guy annoying at times as he kept bursting into tears for the strangest reasons.

Now watching

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